After each chapter, the student will complete online review questions and Practice Tax Returns (PTR). PTR’s will have their own set of review questions. Schedule A are prepared with state income tax withholding on line 5 and the additional state-specific taxes such as CASDI. PTR’s are based on what the course has covered so far. CTEC requires the student to take a separate test for the following parts: Ethics, Federal Tax Law and California Tax Law.
The ethics final consists of 10 questions on the Ethics Session. California Tax Law final will be at the end of the course after completing the entire sessions. This test will consist of 75 questions. Federal final will be administered after the California Tax Law final and will consist of 215 questions. Which meets CTEC requirements of 5 questions per study hour. You must pass each final with a 70% or better. You will receive a separate certificate for each session.
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